Fees and charges

What’s free?

  • All non-bestseller fiction and non-fiction books and magazines, biographies, talking books & large print are free to checkout – you get it for three weeks and you can renew it three times
  • You can place a reserve or hold on an item (and receive an email to tell you when it’s available to collect) at no cost
  • All our eBooks, audiobooks and eMagazines are free to download
  • Children’s & Teenage fiction – you get it for three weeks and you can renew it three times

What’s not free?

  • Bestseller Fiction & Non-fiction – $4.00 per issue or renewal, you get it for 10-days and you can renew it three times
  • Adult Magazines (Bestseller)– $2.00 per issue or renewal, you get it for one week and you can renew it three times
  • Compact Discs – $2.00 per issue or renewal, you get it for one week and you can renew it three times
  • DVDs – $4.00 per issue or renewal, you get it for 10-days and you can renew it three times

Service Fees

  • Interloans from other libraries – $10 per item
  • Scan to email – $2.00 per Scan
  • Fax  – $2.00
  • Photocopying –  A4/A3 $0.20 per side, $1.50 for colour
  • Printing from library computers –  A4 $0.20 per side, $1.50 for colour

Overdue Fees

Any item borrowed from the Whanganui District Library that is returned later than the due date is subject to an overdue charge. How much you will need to pay depends on the length of time the item has been overdue, and the type of item it is.

All children’s books are exempt from overdue fines. Children’s DVDs still incur a fine if overdue. Audiobooks and eBooks from ePukapuka are returned automatically and incur no charges.

Overdue items are charged on a “daily, per item” basis. Please refer to the table below:

Item Type

Overdue charge

All adult books and magazines $0.50 per day
CDs, DVDs and Bestsellers $1.00 per day
All other items No charge

If you completely fail to return an item, we’ll send an invoice for costs to date, including item replacement. If there is no response to this action, we will pass the responsibility on to our debt collector.